class ARRAY2{T} < $ELT{T}
Two-dimensional arrays of elements of type T.

Flattened version is here

$ELT{_} $ELT AREF{_}


Readable Attributes
attr size1:INT;
**** Size of the slowest changing dimension.
attr size2:INT;
**** Size of the fastest changing dimension.

**** The element with indices `[i1,i2]'.
**** Set the element with indices `[i1,i2]' to val.
copy(a: ARRAY{ARRAY{T}})
**** Copy as much of a as will fit into self
copy: SAME
**** Return a new 2D array with the same set of values as self
create(a: ARRAY{ARRAY{T}}): SAME
**** Create a new array with the same dimensions and values as a, which is an array of arrays(rows). Assume that all the rows of "a" have the same number of elements
**** A new two-dimensional array with dimensions `d1 x d2' initialized to void.
nc: INT
**** The size of the second dimension of the array. Number of cols
nr: INT
**** The size of the first dimension of the array. Number of rows
resize(sz1, sz2:INT):SAME
to_portion_of(a: SAME)
**** Copy into self as much of arg as will fit and return it. Don't alter other elements.
**** Set self to the transpose of a.
transpose: SAME
**** Return a new array containing the transpose of self

col_elt!(once col:INT):T
**** Yield elements by varying index 1 and holding index 2 at `col'. The elements of a "column" col
**** Yield each value of the second index in order. The columns
diag_elt!: T
**** Yield values along the diagonal (square in smaller dimension)
elt!: T
**** Yield all elements in row major order
elt1!(once i1:INT):T
**** Yield elements by varying index 2 and holding index 1 at `i1'. The elements of a row "i1" this is the same as row_elt!
elt2!(once i2:INT):T
**** Yield elements by varying index 1 and holding index 2 at `i2'. The elements of a "column" i2 this is the same as col_elt!
ind1!: INT
**** Yield each value of the first index in order. The rows
**** Yield each value of the second index in order. The columns
**** Yield tuples of the indices of self in lexicographical order.
row_elt!(once row:INT):T
**** Yield elements by varying index 2 and holding index 1 at `row'. The elements of a row "row"
row_ind!: INT
**** Yield each value of the first index in order. The rows
**** Set all elements in row major order
set1!(once i1:INT, val:T)
**** Set to val elements with varying index 2 and index 1 fixed at `i1'. i.e. setting the row i1 this is the same as set_row!
set2!(once i2:INT, val:T)
**** Set to val elements with varying index 1 and index 2 fixed at `i2'. i.e. setting the column i2 this is the same as set_col!
set_col!(once col:INT, val:T)
**** Set to val elements with varying index 1 and index 2 fixed at `col'. i.e. setting the column col
**** Set values along the diagonal (square in smaller dimension)
set_row!(once row:INT, val:T)
**** Set to val elements with varying index 2 and index 1 fixed at `row'. i.e. setting a row "row"


attr size1:INT;
**** Size of the slowest changing dimension.
attr size2:INT;
**** Size of the fastest changing dimension.

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